How to Take Care of Your Mental Health this Summer

Summer is often one of the most exciting times of the year for many families, especially kids. It's a time when school is out and fun is in. However, for mothers who are struggling with mental health, summer can be a difficult time. Maybe you're stressed about finances or what to do with the kids at home. Now is the time to learn how to take care of your mental health this summer.

Just because it is summer doesn't mean the bills stop coming or your mental health is automatically the strongest it has ever been. Summer still means an intentional time for you to keep yourself in check and help yourself when you begin to feel overwhelmed.

If you are someone who is struggling with mental health this summer, then this guide is for you. Learn some tips about how you can take care of yourself and your mental health now and for years to come. Mental health will always be something we all have to work on. Use this guide to start your summer off the right way.

8 Tips to Take Care of Your Mental Health this Summer

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. The following tips are going to help you stay on track for a journey to positive mental health this summer.


The number one way to keep your mental health in good standing this summer is to begin (or continue) therapy. Therapy is similar to having a personal trainer for your physical health. When you want to gain muscle or lose weight, you hire a trainer to help you set a plan for how your diet and exercise regimen will change. The same concept applies to mental health.

If you want your mental health to stay strong, you need a therapist to help you create a plan that is right for you and uncover issues at their core to help you move forward. If you don't already have a therapist, contact me today for a free consultation. Let's make a plan together that establishes a new, healthy way to strengthen your mental health this summer.

Get Outside

One of the easiest ways to boost your mental health this summer is by getting outside often. The sun is an excellent source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential part of the nutrients we need as humans. It is also known for boosting your mood.

Therefore, when you get outside and soak in some sun, you are boosting your mental health. A healthy dose of sun can be good for you any time of the year. Remember to wear your sunscreen!

Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal is a healthy way to express and log things that are on your mind. When your mind is clouded and full of noise, this can have a negative impact on your mental health. Taking the time to write down things that are bothering you, logging the events of your day, or just doodling can greatly strengthen your mental health.

You don't have to write a novel or write grammatically correct in your journal. This is just about expressing yourself and releasing some steam. Write as if you were talking to your best friend. Set up a special place in your home that encourages you to dedicate a few minutes each day to journaling.

Try a New Hobby

A new hobby could be exactly what you need to keep your mind busy this summer. When you feel fulfilled in accomplishing something new like crocheting a blanket, gardening, a DIY home project, crafting, or any other hobby that interests you, this positively impacts your mind. This summer, try something new and boost your mental health.

Meditate and/or Exercise

Meditation is a positive way to clear the mind as well as exercise. Perform one (or both) of these options to strengthen your mental health this summer. Exercising releases endorphins in the body that make you feel good overall. Meditation clears the mind and quiets the noise you may have swirling in your head that feels burdensome. Find the best meditation choices or exercise routines that will work for you and your goals.

Make Plans with Friends

Time with friends is good for the soul. Whether you are out having dinner, sitting on a friend's couch chatting, or on vacation together, you can't replace friendship with anything else. Your friends have a way of boosting your mood and overall mental health. Schedule some time with them this summer and give yourself permission to have a good time with them.

Find a Support Group

Support groups can be beneficial to taking care of your mental health this summer. Oftentimes, you can find groups that meet weekly to check in with one another. There are support groups for all kinds of life challenges. There are even support groups that just get together for comradery. Whatever you feel you are struggling with in life, find a support group in your area to help you through it.

Continue Your Medications

One of the most important parts of maintaining strong mental health this summer is to continue with your medication schedule. Some people find that when they are feeling good, they no longer need the medication and will stop taking it suddenly. Keep on track with your medications and always check in with your doctor if you feel you need to change anything regarding your medication.

Maintaining Your Mental Health This Summer is Important

Summer is a busy time of the year, but this is no excuse to kick your mental health to the wayside. Stay connected with what you need to do in order to have a positive mental health journey. You deserve it and so do the people who support you each day.

From journaling to therapy and even spending time with friends, there are countless ways you can keep your mental health a priority this summer. Use any of the tips listed in this guide to help you stay focused. In addition, don't forget to add a therapist like me to your health team to support you this summer and beyond.


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